Projecting the Net Fiscal Impact of Extending Foster Care to 21

  • 27 Apr 2010
  • 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM (EDT)
  • Webinar
Projecting the Net Fiscal Impact of Extending Foster Care to 21

Join the Fostering Connections Resource Center, in collaboration with the Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative, in the second of a series of webinars to support implementation of the older youth provisions of the Fostering Connections Act. 

A significant factor in state conversations around Fostering Connections is understanding the costs and potential revenues associated with extending IV-E eligibility.  In partnership with The Finance Project, state leaders from Iowa and Tennessee will share how their states developed projections of the net fiscal impact of extending foster care to 21.   

The Fostering Connections Resource Center ( provides information, training and tools related to furthering the implementation of the Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act.  The Older Youth Network coordinates support and the dissemination of resources related to the provisions of the law affecting youth and young adults. The Older Youth Network is managed by The Finance Project in partnership with the National Foster Care Coalition.  The Fostering Connections Resource Center is supported through the generous contributions of the Annie E Casey Foundation, Casey Family Programs, Dave Thomas Foundation on Adoption, Duke Endowment, Eckerd Family Foundation, Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative, Sierra Health Foundation, Stuart Foundation and Walter S. Johnson Foundation.   

Please visit the website to sign up for our email alerts related to older youth in foster care, as well as other topics addressed by the new law.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM EDT

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